Review and accept our agreement(Required) I agree to the privacy policy.
According to the agreement, there is a credit report audit and the first month's fee for THE
SELECTED PLAN, which will be paid "only after the work has been performed," as identified
in Section 1 of this agreement, and the monthly fee for THE SELECTED PLAN each month,
after it has been established in Section 2 of this agreement.
Early Cancellation After Guidance and Start: Every client has the right to cancel their
agreement within 5 days or earlier from the date of enrollment. If the client wishes to cancel after
the 5 days but before their established initial payment, and after receiving their credit reports,
conducting a comprehensive line-by-line audit of the credit reports, gaining access to the
monitoring portal and education, assigning a specialist to their case, and starting the process and
preparation of documents to begin the credit repair program, the charge for the services
mentioned will be $49.00, due before closing the case, no later than within 10 business days. If
the consultation is taken and the services mentioned above are used and the balance is not paid,
the account may be sent to collections for the outstanding balance plus applicable legal fees.
Accounts in arrears may be sold to a collection agency. The client has 90 days to reactivate their
account and pay only the remaining $50 to start the program. If they do not return within 90 days
or less, it will be $99 to start a new audit and credit reports, as if starting from the beginning.
INITIAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED. Section 1. High Rise Credit will perform the
following "Audit Services, access to monitoring portal and education, first month of work," for
which the "Initial Commission" must be paid. You will not have to pay the "Initial Commission"
until after these services have been performed.
A. High Rise Credit will assist in obtaining your credit reports from the start.
B. You will provide High Rise Credit with copies of your individual credit reports, if you have
C. High Rise Credit will conduct a line-by-line audit of your credit reports, contact you, and
discuss the negative and derogatory items currently showing on your credit reports.
D. Once you (the client) and High Rise Credit determine which entries on your credit reports are
legally eligible to be disputed or removed, High Rise Credit will prepare and send
correspondence to each credit reporting agency and the creditors or agencies disputing those
entries, asking for them to be removed or corrected in your reports. High Rise Credit typically
sends correspondence to the credit agencies within 5 days after determining which entries are
erroneous, inaccurate, or unverifiable, although the response time from the credit agencies may
AND FIRST MONTH OF WORK ARE COMPLETED. High Rise Credit will perform the
"Service Installation," after the payment of the initial "Installation Fee," and your monthly
service fee will begin on the date agreed for High Rise Credit's credit restoration services.
A. High Rise Credit will communicate with the credit service agencies when they respond to the
dispute letters that High Rise Credit has submitted during the Installation process.
B. If High Rise Credit learns that any of your current or past creditors continue to report
incorrect or derogatory credit information to the credit agencies, High Rise Credit will dispute
the entries with your current or past creditors within thirty to forty-five days, or as best suits your
C. High Rise Credit will update and manage your personalized client portal monthly. It will
update results, send credit tips, provide access to credit education, educational materials, and
your customized plan.
D. High Rise Credit will monitor the credit reports you send back to us for the time you remain
in the program and will inform you of any major derogatory entries in your credit reports.
Additionally, we will be available to discuss strategies to increase your credit score. We request
that you provide updated credit reports to us approximately every 30 to 60 days (as you receive
them) for better results.
I understand that the following are my/our rights and obligations under this contract:
A. I (the subscribing client) agree to transfer all original copies of any correspondence from
credit bureaus, including credit reports and any other correspondence, to High Rise Credit.
C. I understand that High Rise Credit will be limited in its ability to provide the services
described in this agreement if I do not provide the credit reports and results received.
D. I agree to notify High Rise Credit of any change of address within 5 days of such change. I
understand that High Rise Credit will be limited in its ability to provide services described in this
agreement if I do not provide my current address.
E. I agree to pay High Rise Credit for the work performed, once per month, after the audit and
for the fee, in the amount established in this agreement, for a maximum of 12 months.
F. I certify that I am not an employee or partner of a credit reporting agency, nor am I retaining
High Rise Credit under any false pretense.
H. I understand that the success of the services detailed in this document depends largely on my
compliance with these commitments. I understand that it is illegal to intentionally dispute any
entry on my credit reports that I know to be true and accurate.
I understand that the success of the services described in this document depends on my
completion of these commitments and the willingness of the various credit reporting agencies to
comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). High Rise Credit CANNOT GUARANTEE
SPECIFIC RESULTS. Time is not of the essence, and the desired outcome of these services may
take more or less time.
I agree to pay High Rise Credit for the work as it is completed on a month-to-month basis, as
outlined above. The first payment is an Installation Fee. I also authorize High Rise Credit to
process direct debits from my checking account or credit card, as indicated above. I understand
that if the payment is returned, the reduced payment will be re-billed along with a fee of $15.00,
seven to fourteen days after the reduced payment date. I understand that the maximum duration
of the ongoing services to be provided to me will not exceed 12 months, unless the client
specifies otherwise.
It is against the law to dispute an entry on my credit report that I know is accurate, even if that
entry is negative. I will attach the attached form informing High Rise Credit of the entries on my
credit reports that I believe are inaccurate, outdated, or unverifiable.
I grant High Rise Credit full power and authority to represent me in the following activities:
(a) Communicating with the three national credit reporting agencies,
(b) Reviewing my credit reports,
(c) Discussing any information posted by creditors or credit reporting agencies based on whether
such entries are inaccurate, outdated, or unverifiable,
(d) Creating and signing on my behalf as my agent any necessary letters to correspond with any
credit reporting agency or creditor appearing on my credit reports,
(e) Obtaining or assisting in obtaining my credit reports and FICO scores on my behalf upon my
I acknowledge that I intentionally sought High Rise Credit in the state of California to provide
services in California. The laws of the State of California will govern this agreement. If any part
of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts will not be
affected. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between High Rise Credit and me, and
I have not relied on any verbal statements made by or on behalf of High Rise Credit. This
contract may only be amended in writing.
You, the client, may cancel this agreement at any time before midnight on the fifth day after the
transaction date. See the attached cancellation notice form for an explanation of this right.
You, the client, may cancel this monthly agreement by notifying High Rise Credit at any time. If
the account has any balance due, it must be settled to cancel your account.
11. Direct Debit Authorization Policy:
The client sets their own start date and authorizes High Rise Credit to process a monthly direct
debit for work, access to the client portal, guidance, and education while in the credit repair and
education program. Returned payments due to error or insufficient funds will be reprocessed for
collection 5–7 days after the returned payment date, until recovered.
12. 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
After allowing High Rise Credit to work on the 3 credit reports for a minimum of 180
consecutive days (6 months) after the start date, if no erroneous, outdated, or unverifiable items
are removed, fixed, or corrected in any part of the 3 main credit reports, clients will receive a
100% refund of payments made to High Rise Credit for the duration of the program.
How Our Money-Back Guarantee Works:
If, within 180 days of enrolling in any of our programs, we fail to remove negative or
questionable items from your credit report, you are eligible for a full refund of your fees.
Although full credit restoration may take longer, you should see progress in the form of the
removal of some items within this period, or we will refund your money. (Conditions apply as
detailed below.)
To qualify for a refund, the following terms must be met:
1. Active Participation: You must remain an active participant in the program for the entire
180-day period. If you cancel or fail to make payments within the first 180 days, this
guarantee will be voided.
2. No New Negative Accounts: You agree not to add any new negative accounts, late
payments, or derogatory items to your credit report after starting the program.
3. Timely Payments: You must make all payments as outlined in the agreement and on
time during the course of the program.
4. Identity Verification: You must provide High Rise Credit with proof of identity, such as
a valid driver's license and proof of address, within five (5) days of the program start
5. Refund Request: If you wish to request a refund, you must do so between Day 181 and
Day 212 after your initial payment. Refund requests outside this period will not be
6. Audit Process: When requesting a refund, High Rise Credit will audit your accounts and
credit reports. You agree to give us 30 days to complete the audit and verify if negative
items have been removed. We will then determine the reason why any such items were
not removed, if applicable.
7. Waiver of Refund: If you choose to continue with the program after 120 days, you
acknowledge that you waive the right to request a refund.
At High Rise Credit, we are committed to your success and to providing you with a transparent
and results-oriented experience. If we are unable to meet your expectations within the first 180
days, we will gladly refund your payment according to the terms outlined above.
Please contact your service specialist directly for any refund inquiries at 1-800-680-5399.
I have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement. I have received
a copy of the initial description and the cancellation notice form.
Sample Client - Full Name of Client
1234 Main Street - Client’s Address
Santa Monica - Client’s City
California - Client’s State
90401 - Client’s ZIP Code
(310) 111-1111 - Client’s Phone Number
Credit Restoration and Disclosures
What is a credit score?
Your credit report is a summary of your credit history. New accounts, closed accounts,
outstanding bills, final bills, etc., are reflected in this report. If you have a loan, mortgage, or
credit card, it will show up here. Your credit report provides the basis for your credit score.
Your credit score, or FICO score, is a three-digit number between 300 and 850, calculated using
a formula developed by a company called Fair Isaac. Fair Isaac sells the formula to the three
major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion), each of which calculates
the score using slightly different personal data. They then use the scores to give lenders (the
people who would lend you credit, such as a credit card company, student loan provider, or bank)
an idea of what kind of customer you might be. Once the lenders have your score, they decide
what kind of interest rate to offer based on how high (or low) your score is.
What does High Rise Credit do to repair my credit?
High Rise Credit will review your credit reports and dispute any inaccurate, outdated, or
unverifiable information with the credit bureaus on your behalf. High Rise Credit will use the
Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act to
challenge any incorrect or outdated information on your credit reports. The credit restoration
services included in your High Rise Credit program consist of two phases: (1) Initial Setup
Services, and (2) "Ongoing Services." The cost of the Initial Setup Services is $99.00 and will be
charged after High Rise Credit completes the Initial Setup Services. You do not need to pay any
money upfront. The ongoing service fee is $99.00 per month, with payments processed through
ACH from a designated checking account or credit/debit card on a monthly basis. Credit
restoration typically takes about 10 to 12 months to achieve maximum benefit.
"Initial Setup Services" consist of the following: (A) High Rise Credit will assist in obtaining
your starting credit reports.
(B) You will provide High Rise Credit with copies of your individual credit reports.
(C) High Rise Credit will conduct a line-by-line audit of your credit reports and will contact you
to discuss any negative and derogatory entries currently showing on your credit reports.
(D) Once you (the client) and High Rise Credit determine which entries on your credit reports
are legally disputable or removable, High Rise Credit will prepare and send correspondence to
each of the credit bureaus and creditors to dispute those entries and request they be removed or
corrected from your credit history.
"Ongoing Services" consist of the following: (A) High Rise Credit will communicate with the
credit bureaus when they respond to the dispute letters High Rise Credit has submitted during the
Setup process.
(B) If High Rise Credit learns that any of your current or past creditors continue to report
incorrect or derogatory credit information to the credit bureaus, High Rise Credit will dispute
those entries with your current or past creditors within thirty to forty-five days, or as best fits
your case.
(C) High Rise Credit will update and manage your personalized client portal monthly. Results
will be updated, credit tips will be sent, educational resources and materials will be provided, and
your personalized plan will be adjusted.
(D) High Rise Credit will track the credit reports you send back to us during your time in the
program and notify you of any major derogatory entries in your credit reports. Additionally, we
will be available to discuss strategies to improve your credit score. We request that you provide
updated credit reports approximately every 30 to 45 days (as you receive them) to achieve better
A. You are entitled to receive a copy of your credit report from a consumer credit reporting
agency. A reasonable fee may be charged, not to exceed eight dollars ($8). However, no fee will
be charged if you have been denied credit, employment, insurance, or rental housing due to
information in your credit report within the last 60 days. The consumer credit reporting agency
must provide someone to help you interpret the information in your credit file.
B. You have the right to dispute inaccurate information by contacting the consumer credit
reporting agency directly. However, neither you nor any credit restoration company or credit
services organization has the right to have accurate, up-to-date, or verifiable information
removed from your credit report. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a consumer credit
reporting agency must remove negative, accurate information from your report only if it is more
than seven years old. Bankruptcy information may be reported for up to 10 years. If you have
notified a credit reporting agency in writing that you dispute the accuracy of information in your
credit file, the consumer credit reporting agency must re-investigate and modify or delete the
incorrect information. The consumer credit reporting agency cannot charge a fee for this service.
Any relevant information and copies of all documents you have regarding an error must be
provided to the credit reporting agency.
C. If the new investigation does not resolve the dispute to your satisfaction, you may submit a
brief statement to the consumer credit reporting agency to keep in your file explaining why you
believe the information is inaccurate. The consumer credit reporting agency must include your
statement on disputed information in any report it issues about you. The Federal Trade
Commission regulates credit reporting agencies and credit restoration organizations. For more
information, please contact: The Public Information Branch, Federal Trade Commission,
Washington, DC 20580.
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